A Masterclass on Aldous Huxley's Island
Go Toward The Light is a six-week course exploring Aldous Huxley's 1962 masterpiece Island, one of the most beautiful visions for humanity that has ever been turned into prose.

Participants in the cohort will read sections of the book each week, a "Super Book Club" that will dive into the visions for each aspect of society that Island lays out: how children come of age with wisdom, how people live beautifully throughout their lives, how people die with grace.

The course holds a special emphasis on some of the most transformational parts of Huxley's vision: how children are taught to feel, the building of healthy men, the role of attention, the ceremonial use of psychedelics, rites of passage for the young, tantric and ecstatic practices, and sacredness in death.
Course Design:
The course is comprised of six lectures on key chapters of the book, some part examining the social structures Huxley lays out, some part applying them to our world, and some part exploring the author's storytelling around bringing his utopia to life.

Lectures: Tuesdays, 5:00 - 6:00pm Eastern (Zoom), May 21st - June 25th

In addition to core lectures, the course features optional weekly office hours for seminar-style discussion.

Office Hours: Fridays, 12:00 - 1:00pm Eastern (Zoom)

Price: $325
Go Toward The Light is run by artist and storyteller David Alder. David first read Island in 2018. The book hit him like a bolt of lightning, inspiring him to join the psychedelic field, become a storyteller, and aim his life's work at making parts of Huxley's vision real.

David's graphic novel We Will Call It Pala, named after Huxley's book, went viral in the psychedelic field, being described by Tim Ferriss as "Required reading." David runs Here & Now Studios, where he teaches the craft of storytelling through cohorts called Parables Of Change.
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